SeqAn3 3.3.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
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seqan3::detail::format_sam_base Class Reference

The alignment base format. More...

#include <seqan3/io/sam_file/detail/format_sam_base.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for seqan3::detail::format_sam_base:

Protected Member Functions

template<typename ref_id_type , typename ref_id_tmp_type , typename header_type , typename ref_seqs_type >
void check_and_assign_ref_id (ref_id_type &ref_id, ref_id_tmp_type &ref_id_tmp, header_type &header, ref_seqs_type &)
 Checks for known reference ids or adds a new reference is and assigns a reference id to ref_id.
template<arithmetic arithmetic_target_type>
void read_arithmetic_field (std::string_view const &str, arithmetic_target_type &arithmetic_target)
 Reads arithmetic fields using std::from_chars.
template<std::ranges::forward_range target_range_type>
void read_forward_range_field (std::string_view const str, target_range_type &target)
 Reads from str to target, converting values with seqan3::views::char_to.
template<typename stream_view_type , std::ranges::forward_range target_range_type>
void read_forward_range_field (stream_view_type &&stream_view, target_range_type &target)
 Reads a range by copying from stream_view to target, converting values with seqan3::views::char_to.
template<typename stream_view_type , typename ref_ids_type , typename ref_seqs_type >
void read_header (stream_view_type &&stream_view, sam_file_header< ref_ids_type > &hdr, ref_seqs_type &)
 Reads the SAM header.
int32_t soft_clipping_at_front (std::vector< cigar > const &cigar_vector) const
 Returns the soft clipping value at the front of the cigar_vector or 0 if none present.
template<typename stream_t , typename header_type >
void write_header (stream_t &stream, sam_file_output_options const &options, header_type &header)
 Writes the SAM header.
Constructors, destructor and assignment
 format_sam_base ()=default
 format_sam_base (format_sam_base const &)=default
format_sam_baseoperator= (format_sam_base const &)=default
 format_sam_base (format_sam_base &&)=default
format_sam_baseoperator= (format_sam_base &&)=default
 ~format_sam_base ()=default

Protected Attributes

std::array< char, 316 > arithmetic_buffer {}
 A buffer used when parsing arithmetic values with std::from_chars.
bool header_was_written {false}
 A variable that tracks whether the content of header has been written or not.
bool ref_info_present_in_header {false}
 Tracks whether reference information (@SQ tag) were found in the SAM header.

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr std::array format_version {'1', '.', '6'}
 The format version string.

Detailed Description

The alignment base format.

Since the SAM and BAM format share a lot of functionality, this abstract base class defines common member variables and functions that are used in both formats.

Member Function Documentation

◆ check_and_assign_ref_id()

template<typename ref_id_type , typename ref_id_tmp_type , typename header_type , typename ref_seqs_type >
void seqan3::detail::format_sam_base::check_and_assign_ref_id ( ref_id_type &  ref_id,
ref_id_tmp_type &  ref_id_tmp,
header_type &  header,
ref_seqs_type &   

Checks for known reference ids or adds a new reference is and assigns a reference id to ref_id.

Template Parameters
ref_id_typeThe type of the reference id (usually a views::type_reduce over ref_id_tmp_type).
ref_id_tmp_typeThe type of the temporary parsed id (same_as type as reference ids in header).
header_typeThe type of the alignment header.
ref_seqs_typeA tag whether the reference information were given or not (std::ignore or not).
[out]ref_idThe reference id to be filled.
[in]ref_id_tmpThe temporary of the parsed reference id.
[in,out]headerThe header object that stores the reference id information.

◆ read_arithmetic_field()

template<arithmetic arithmetic_target_type>
void seqan3::detail::format_sam_base::read_arithmetic_field ( std::string_view const &  str,
arithmetic_target_type &  arithmetic_target 

Reads arithmetic fields using std::from_chars.

Template Parameters
arithmetic_target_typeThe type of value to parse from input; must model seqan3::arithmetic.
[in,out]strThe string_view to parse.
[out]arithmetic_targetThe arithmetic value object to store the parsed value.
seqan3::format_errorif the character sequence in str cannot be successfully converted to a value of type arithmetic_target_type.

◆ read_forward_range_field() [1/2]

template<std::ranges::forward_range target_range_type>
void seqan3::detail::format_sam_base::read_forward_range_field ( std::string_view const  str,
target_range_type &  target 

Reads from str to target, converting values with seqan3::views::char_to.

Template Parameters
target_range_typeThe type of range to parse from input; must model std::ranges::forward_range.
[in,out]strThe string_view to parse.
[out]targetThe range to store the parsed sequence.

◆ read_forward_range_field() [2/2]

template<typename stream_view_type , std::ranges::forward_range target_range_type>
void seqan3::detail::format_sam_base::read_forward_range_field ( stream_view_type &&  stream_view,
target_range_type &  target 

Reads a range by copying from stream_view to target, converting values with seqan3::views::char_to.

Template Parameters
stream_view_typeThe type of the stream as a view.
target_range_typeThe type of range to parse from input; must model std::ranges::forward_range.
[in,out]stream_viewThe stream view to iterate over.
[out]targetThe range to store the parsed sequence.

◆ read_header()

template<typename stream_view_type , typename ref_ids_type , typename ref_seqs_type >
void seqan3::detail::format_sam_base::read_header ( stream_view_type &&  stream_view,
sam_file_header< ref_ids_type > &  hdr,
ref_seqs_type &   

Reads the SAM header.

Template Parameters
stream_view_typeThe type of the stream as a view.
[in,out]stream_viewThe stream view to iterate over.
[in,out]hdrThe header (as a pointer) to store the parsed values.
seqan3::format_errorif any unexpected character or format is encountered.

Reading the header format is done according to the official SAM format specifications.

The function throws a seqan3::format_error if any unknown tag was encountered. It will also fail if the format is not in a correct state (e.g. required fields are not given), but throwing might occur downstream of the actual error.

◆ soft_clipping_at_front()

int32_t seqan3::detail::format_sam_base::soft_clipping_at_front ( std::vector< cigar > const &  cigar_vector) const

Returns the soft clipping value at the front of the cigar_vector or 0 if none present.

[in]cigar_vectorThe cigar information to parse for soft-clipping.

◆ write_header()

template<typename stream_t , typename header_type >
void seqan3::detail::format_sam_base::write_header ( stream_t &  stream,
sam_file_output_options const &  options,
header_type &  header 

Writes the SAM header.

Template Parameters
stream_tThe stream type.
[in,out]streamThe stream to print to.
[in]optionsThe options to alter printing.
[in]headerThe header to print.
seqan3::format_errorif the header object contains the wrong information or the contents are ill-formed.

Before writing the header, the contents are checked for correctness according to the rules of the official SAM format specifications.

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