SeqAn3 3.3.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
No Matches
seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits > Class Template Reference

This calculates an alignment using the edit distance and without a band. More...

#include <seqan3/alignment/pairwise/edit_distance_unbanded.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >:


struct  compute_state
 The internal state needed to compute the alignment. More...
struct  compute_state_trace_matrix
 The internal state needed to compute the trace matrix. More...

Public Member Functions

template<typename callback_t >
void operator() (size_t const idx, callback_t &&callback)
 Generic invocable interface.
Constructors, destructor and assignment
 edit_distance_unbanded ()=delete
 The class template parameter may resolve to an lvalue reference which prohibits default constructibility.
 edit_distance_unbanded (edit_distance_unbanded const &)=default
 edit_distance_unbanded (edit_distance_unbanded &&)=default
edit_distance_unbandedoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded const &)=default
edit_distance_unbandedoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded &&)=default
 ~edit_distance_unbanded ()=default
 edit_distance_unbanded (database_t _database, query_t _query, align_config_t _config, edit_traits const &_traits)
- Public Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
std::optional< score_typescore () const noexcept
 Return the score of the alignment. Only available if default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_score is true.
seqan3::detail::advanceable_alignment_coordinate end_positions () const noexcept
 Return the end position of the alignment Only available if default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_end_positions is true.
- Public Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
score_matrix_type const & score_matrix () const noexcept
 Return the score matrix of the alignment. Only available if default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_score_matrix is true.
- Public Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
trace_matrix_type const & trace_matrix () const noexcept
 Return the trace matrix of the alignment.
seqan3::detail::advanceable_alignment_coordinate begin_positions () const noexcept
 Return the begin position of the alignment. Only available if default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_begin_positions is true.
auto alignment () const noexcept
 Return the alignment, i.e. the actual base pair matching. Only available if default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_sequence_alignment is true.

Private Member Functions

void add_state ()
 Add a computation step.
void advance_score (word_type P, word_type N, word_type mask) noexcept
 Increase or decrease the score.
void compute ()
 Compute the alignment.
void compute_empty_query_sequence ()
 Special case if query sequence is empty.
template<bool with_carry>
void compute_kernel (compute_state &state, size_t const block_offset, size_t const current_block) noexcept
 A single compute step in the current column at a given position.
bool large_patterns ()
 Pattern is larger than one machine word. Use overflow aware computation.
bool on_hit () noexcept
 Will be called if a hit was found (e.g., score <= max_errors).
bool small_patterns ()
 Pattern is small enough that it fits into one machine word. Use faster computation with less overhead.

Static Private Member Functions

template<bool with_carry>
static void compute_step (compute_state &state) noexcept
 A single compute step in the current column.

Private Attributes

score_type _score {}
 The score of the current column.
std::vector< word_typebit_masks {}
 The machine words which translate a letter of the query into a bit mask.
align_config_t config
 The configuration.
database_t database
 The horizontal/database sequence.
database_iterator database_it {}
 The current position in the database.
database_iterator database_it_end {}
 The end position of the database.
query_t query
 The vertical/query sequence.
word_type score_mask {0u}
 The mask with a bit set at the position where the score change.
std::vector< word_typevn {}
 The machine word which stores the negative vertical differences.
std::vector< word_typevp {}
 The machine word which stores the positive vertical differences.

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr word_type hn0 = 0u
 How to pre-initialise hn.
static constexpr word_type hp0 = is_global ? 1u : 0u
 How to pre-initialise hp.
static constexpr word_type vn0 = 0u
 How to pre-initialise vn.
static constexpr word_type vp0 = ~word_type{0u}
 How to pre-initialise vp.


template<typename other_derived_t , typename other_edit_traits >
class edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy
 Allows seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy to access this class.
template<typename other_derived_t , typename other_edit_traits >
class edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy
 Allows seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy to access this class.
template<typename other_derived_t , typename other_edit_traits >
class edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy
 Allows seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy to access this class.
template<typename other_derived_t , typename other_edit_traits >
class edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy
 Allows seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy to access this class.
template<typename other_derived_t , typename other_edit_traits >
class edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy
 Allows seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy to access this class.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Type deduction guides
template<typename database_t , typename query_t , typename config_t , typename traits_t >
 edit_distance_unbanded (database_t &&database, query_t &&query, config_t config, traits_t) -> edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, config_t, traits_t >
 Deduce the type from the provided arguments.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from seqan3::detail::default_edit_distance_trait_type< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, is_semi_global_t, word_t >
using align_config_type = std::remove_reference_t< align_config_t >
 The type of the alignment config.
using alignment_result_type = typename alignment_traits_type::alignment_result_type
 The alignment result type generated by the algorithm.
using alignment_traits_type = alignment_configuration_traits< align_config_type >
 The alignment algorithm traits over the alignment configuration type.
using database_iterator = std::ranges::iterator_t< database_type >
 The type of an iterator of the database sequence.
using database_type = std::remove_reference_t< database_t >
 The type of the database sequence.
using query_alphabet_type = std::remove_reference_t< std::ranges::range_reference_t< query_type > >
 The alphabet type of the query sequence.
using query_type = std::remove_reference_t< query_t >
 The type of the query sequence.
using result_value_type = typename alignment_result_value_type_accessor< alignment_result_type >::type
 The alignment result value type.
using score_matrix_type = edit_distance_score_matrix_full< word_type, score_type, is_semi_global, use_max_errors >
 The type of the score matrix.
using score_type = typename alignment_traits_type::original_score_type
 The type of the score.
using trace_matrix_type = edit_distance_trace_matrix_full< word_type, is_semi_global, use_max_errors >
 The type of the trace matrix.
using word_type = word_t
 The type of one machine word.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from seqan3::detail::default_edit_distance_trait_type< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, is_semi_global_t, word_t >
static constexpr bool compute_begin_positions
 Whether the alignment configuration indicates to compute and/or store the begin positions.
static constexpr bool compute_end_positions
 Whether the alignment configuration indicates to compute and/or store the end positions.
static constexpr bool compute_matrix = compute_score_matrix || compute_trace_matrix
 Whether the alignment configuration indicates to compute and/or store the score or trace matrix.
static constexpr bool compute_score = true
 Whether the alignment configuration indicates to compute and/or store the score.
static constexpr bool compute_score_matrix = false
 Whether the alignment configuration indicates to compute and/or store the score matrix.
static constexpr bool compute_sequence_alignment = alignment_traits_type::compute_sequence_alignment
 Whether the alignment configuration indicates to compute and/or store the alignment of the sequences.
static constexpr bool compute_trace_matrix = compute_begin_positions || compute_sequence_alignment
 Whether the alignment configuration indicates to compute and/or store the trace matrix.
static constexpr bool is_global = !is_semi_global
 Whether the alignment is a global alignment or not.
static constexpr bool is_semi_global = is_semi_global_t::value
 Whether the alignment is a semi-global alignment or not.
static constexpr bool use_max_errors = align_config_type::template exists<align_cfg::min_score>()
 When true the computation will use the ukkonen trick with the last active cell and bounds the error to config.max_errors.
static constexpr uint8_t word_size = bits_of<word_type>
 The size of one machine word.
- Protected Types inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
using base_t = edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
 The base policy of this policy.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
 edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy () noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy const &) noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy &&) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_global_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy const &) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_global_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy &&) noexcept=default
 ~edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy () noexcept=default
void score_init () noexcept
 Initialises global policy.
bool is_valid () const noexcept
 Returns true if the computation produced a valid alignment.
seqan3::detail::advanceable_alignment_coordinate invalid_coordinate () const noexcept
 Returns an invalid_coordinate for this alignment.
void update_best_score () noexcept
 Update the current best known score if the current score is better.
size_t end_positions_first () const noexcept
 Returns the first component of the end_positions.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
 edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy () noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy const &) noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy &&) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy const &) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy &&) noexcept=default
 ~edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy () noexcept=default
void score_init () noexcept
 Initialises semi-global policy.
void update_best_score () noexcept
 Update the current best known score if the current score is better.
size_t end_positions_first () const noexcept
 Returns the first component of the end_positions.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
 edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy () noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy const &) noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy &&) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy const &) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy &&) noexcept=default
 ~edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy () noexcept=default
void score_matrix_init ()
 Initialises score-matrix policy.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
 edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy () noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy const &) noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy &&) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy const &) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy &&) noexcept=default
 ~edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy () noexcept=default
void trace_matrix_init (size_t block_count)
 Initialises trace-matrix policy.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
 edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy () noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy const &) noexcept=default
 edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy (edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy &&) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy const &) noexcept=default
edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policyoperator= (edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy &&) noexcept=default
 ~edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy () noexcept=default
void max_errors_init (size_t block_count) noexcept
 Initialises max_errors policy.
bool is_last_active_cell_within_last_row () const noexcept
 Returns true if the current active cell is within the last row.
bool prev_last_active_cell () noexcept
 Decrement the last active cell position.
void next_last_active_cell () noexcept
 Increment the last active cell position.
bool update_last_active_cell () noexcept
 Use the ukkonen trick and update the last active cell.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
static size_t max_rows (word_type const score_mask, unsigned const last_block, score_type const score, score_type const max_errors) noexcept
 Computes the number of max rows in the current column.
- Protected Attributes inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
friend derived_t
 Befriends the derived type.
score_type _best_score {}
 The best score of the alignment in the last row (if is_semi_global = true) or the last entry in the score matrix (if is_global = true).
- Protected Attributes inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
friend derived_t
 Befriends the derived type.
database_iterator _best_score_col {}
 In which column the best score of the alignment is located. Will only be tracked if is_semi_global is true.
- Protected Attributes inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
friend derived_t
 Befriends the derived type.
score_matrix_type _score_matrix {}
 The score matrix of the edit distance alignment.
- Protected Attributes inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
friend derived_t
 Befriends the derived type.
std::vector< word_typehp {}
 The machine word which stores the positive horizontal differences.
std::vector< word_typedb {}
 The machine word which stores if trace_directions::diagonal is true.
trace_matrix_type _trace_matrix {}
 The trace matrix of the edit distance alignment.
- Protected Attributes inherited from seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy< derived_t, edit_traits >
friend derived_t
 Befriends the derived type.
score_type max_errors {255}
 Which score value is considered as a hit?
size_t last_block {0u}
 The block containing the last active cell.
word_type last_score_mask {}
 A mask with a bit set on the position of the last row.

Detailed Description

template<std::ranges::viewable_range database_t, std::ranges::viewable_range query_t, typename align_config_t, typename edit_traits>
class seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >

This calculates an alignment using the edit distance and without a band.

Template Parameters
database_tThe type of the database sequence.
query_tThe type of the query sequence.
align_config_tThe configuration type; must be of type seqan3::configuration.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ edit_distance_unbanded() [1/2]

template<std::ranges::viewable_range database_t, std::ranges::viewable_range query_t, typename align_config_t , typename edit_traits >
seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >::edit_distance_unbanded ( )

The class template parameter may resolve to an lvalue reference which prohibits default constructibility.


◆ edit_distance_unbanded() [2/2]

template<std::ranges::viewable_range database_t, std::ranges::viewable_range query_t, typename align_config_t , typename edit_traits >
seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >::edit_distance_unbanded ( database_t  _database,
query_t  _query,
align_config_t  _config,
edit_traits const &  _traits 


[in]_databaseThe horizontal/database sequence.
[in]_queryThe vertical/query sequence.
[in]_configThe configuration.
[in]_traitsThe traits object. Only the type information will be used.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator()()

template<std::ranges::viewable_range database_t, std::ranges::viewable_range query_t, typename align_config_t , typename edit_traits >
template<typename callback_t >
void seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >::operator() ( size_t const  idx,
callback_t &&  callback 

Generic invocable interface.

[in]idxThe index of the currently processed sequence pair.
[in]callbackThe callback function to be invoked with the alignment result.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bit_masks

template<std::ranges::viewable_range database_t, std::ranges::viewable_range query_t, typename align_config_t , typename edit_traits >
std::vector<word_type> seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >::bit_masks {}

The machine words which translate a letter of the query into a bit mask.

Each bit position which is true (= 1) corresponds to a match of a letter in the query at this position.

◆ score_mask

template<std::ranges::viewable_range database_t, std::ranges::viewable_range query_t, typename align_config_t , typename edit_traits >
word_type seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >::score_mask {0u}

The mask with a bit set at the position where the score change.

If use_max_errors is true this corresponds to the last active cell.

◆ vn

template<std::ranges::viewable_range database_t, std::ranges::viewable_range query_t, typename align_config_t , typename edit_traits >
std::vector<word_type> seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >::vn {}

The machine word which stores the negative vertical differences.

◆ vp

template<std::ranges::viewable_range database_t, std::ranges::viewable_range query_t, typename align_config_t , typename edit_traits >
std::vector<word_type> seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded< database_t, query_t, align_config_t, edit_traits >::vp {}

The machine word which stores the positive vertical differences.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: