SeqAn3 3.3.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2// Copyright (c) 2006-2022, Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
3// Copyright (c) 2016-2022, Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
4// This file may be used, modified and/or redistributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD-License
5// shipped with this file and also available at:
6// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13#pragma once
15#include <cassert>
16#include <filesystem>
17#include <fstream>
18#include <string>
19#include <variant>
20#include <vector>
30#include <seqan3/io/detail/record.hpp>
42namespace seqan3
45// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46// sequence_file_input_traits
47// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
97template <typename t>
99 requires (t v) {
102 requires detail::is_char_adaptation_v<typename t::sequence_alphabet>
111 };
114// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
115// sequence_file_input_default_traits
116// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 template <typename _sequence_alphabet>
151 using id_alphabet = char;
154 template <typename _id_alphabet>
161 template <typename _quality_alphabet>
184// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
185// sequence_file_input
186// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 detail::fields_specialisation selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::seq, field::id, field::qual>,
207 detail::type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats valid_formats_ =
217 using traits_type = traits_type_;
219 using selected_field_ids = selected_field_ids_;
221 using valid_formats = valid_formats_;
223 using stream_char_type = char;
231 static_assert(
232 []() constexpr
233 {
234 for (field f : selected_field_ids::as_array)
235 if (!field_ids::contains(f))
236 return false;
237 return true;
238 }(),
239 "You selected a field that is not valid for sequence files, please refer to the documentation "
240 "of sequence_file_input::field_ids for the accepted values.");
250 using id_type = typename traits_type::template id_container<typename traits_type::id_alphabet>;
252 using quality_type = typename traits_type::template quality_container<typename traits_type::quality_alphabet>;
270 using const_reference = void;
272 using size_type = size_t;
276 using iterator = detail::in_file_iterator<sequence_file_input>;
278 using const_iterator = void;
280 using sentinel = std::default_sentinel_t;
316 selected_field_ids const & SEQAN3_DOXYGEN_ONLY(fields_tag) = selected_field_ids{}) :
317 primary_stream{new std::ifstream{}, stream_deleter_default}
318 {
319 primary_stream->rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(, stream_buffer.size());
320 static_cast<std::basic_ifstream<char> *>(primary_stream.get())
321 ->open(filename, std::ios_base::in | std::ios::binary);
323 if (!primary_stream->good())
324 throw file_open_error{"Could not open file " + filename.string() + " for reading."};
326 // possibly add intermediate compression stream
327 secondary_stream = detail::make_secondary_istream(*primary_stream, filename);
329 // initialise format handler or throw if format is not found
330 using format_variant_t =
331 typename detail::variant_from_tags<valid_formats, detail::sequence_file_input_format_exposer>::type;
332 format_variant_t format_variant{};
333 detail::set_format(format_variant, filename);
336 [&](auto && selected_format)
337 {
338 using format_t = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(selected_format)>;
339 format = std::make_unique<selected_sequence_format<format_t>>();
340 },
341 format_variant);
342 }
343 /* NOTE(h-2): Curiously we do not need a user-defined deduction guide for the above constructor.
344 * A combination of default template parameters and auto-deduction guides works as expected,
345 * independent of whether the second/optional parameter is specified or not, i.e. it is possible
346 * to auto-deduct and overwrite a single template parameter out of the four if the optional parameter
347 * is specified and use the default otherwise.
348 */
364 template <input_stream stream_t, sequence_file_input_format file_format>
365 requires std::same_as<typename std::remove_reference_t<stream_t>::char_type, stream_char_type>
366 sequence_file_input(stream_t & stream,
367 file_format const & SEQAN3_DOXYGEN_ONLY(format_tag),
368 selected_field_ids const & SEQAN3_DOXYGEN_ONLY(fields_tag) = selected_field_ids{}) :
369 primary_stream{&stream, stream_deleter_noop},
370 format{std::make_unique<selected_sequence_format<file_format>>()}
371 {
372 static_assert(list_traits::contains<file_format, valid_formats>,
373 "You selected a format that is not in the valid_formats of this file.");
375 // possibly add intermediate compression stream
376 secondary_stream = detail::make_secondary_istream(*primary_stream);
377 }
380 template <input_stream stream_t, sequence_file_input_format file_format>
381 requires std::same_as<typename std::remove_reference_t<stream_t>::char_type, stream_char_type>
382 sequence_file_input(stream_t && stream,
383 file_format const & SEQAN3_DOXYGEN_ONLY(format_tag),
384 selected_field_ids const & SEQAN3_DOXYGEN_ONLY(fields_tag) = selected_field_ids{}) :
385 primary_stream{new stream_t{std::move(stream)}, stream_deleter_default},
386 format{std::make_unique<selected_sequence_format<file_format>>()}
387 {
388 static_assert(list_traits::contains<file_format, valid_formats>,
389 "You selected a format that is not in the valid_formats of this file.");
391 // possibly add intermediate compression stream
392 secondary_stream = detail::make_secondary_istream(*primary_stream);
393 }
415 {
416 // buffer first record
417 if (!first_record_was_read)
418 {
419 read_next_record();
420 first_record_was_read = true;
421 }
423 return {*this};
424 }
439 sentinel end() noexcept
440 {
441 return {};
442 }
467 reference front() noexcept
468 {
469 return *begin();
470 }
484 record_type record_buffer;
486 std::vector<char> stream_buffer{std::vector<char>(1'000'000)};
488 std::streampos position_buffer{};
498 static void stream_deleter_noop(std::basic_istream<stream_char_type> *)
499 {}
501 static void stream_deleter_default(std::basic_istream<stream_char_type> * ptr)
502 {
503 delete ptr;
504 }
507 stream_ptr_t primary_stream{nullptr, stream_deleter_noop};
509 stream_ptr_t secondary_stream{nullptr, stream_deleter_noop};
512 bool first_record_was_read{false};
514 bool at_end{false};
519 void read_next_record()
520 {
521 // clear the record
522 record_buffer.clear();
524 // at end if we could not read further
525 if ((std::istreambuf_iterator<stream_char_type>{*secondary_stream}
527 {
528 at_end = true;
529 return;
530 }
532 format->read_sequence_record(*secondary_stream, record_buffer, position_buffer, options);
533 }
545 struct sequence_format_base
546 {
550 sequence_format_base() = default;
551 sequence_format_base(sequence_format_base const &) = default;
552 sequence_format_base(sequence_format_base &&) = default;
553 sequence_format_base & operator=(sequence_format_base const &) = default;
554 sequence_format_base & operator=(sequence_format_base &&) = default;
555 virtual ~sequence_format_base() = default;
569 virtual void read_sequence_record(std::istream & instream,
570 record_type & record_buffer,
571 std::streampos & position_buffer,
573 };
586 template <typename format_t>
587 struct selected_sequence_format final : public sequence_format_base
588 {
592 selected_sequence_format() = default;
593 selected_sequence_format(selected_sequence_format const &) = default;
594 selected_sequence_format(selected_sequence_format &&) = default;
595 selected_sequence_format & operator=(selected_sequence_format const &) = default;
596 selected_sequence_format & operator=(selected_sequence_format &&) = default;
597 ~selected_sequence_format() = default;
601 void read_sequence_record(std::istream & instream,
602 record_type & record_buffer,
603 std::streampos & position_buffer,
605 {
606 // read new record
607 {
608 _format.read_sequence_record(instream,
609 options,
610 position_buffer,
611 detail::get_or_ignore<field::seq>(record_buffer),
612 detail::get_or_ignore<field::id>(record_buffer),
613 detail::get_or_ignore<field::qual>(record_buffer));
614 }
615 }
618 detail::sequence_file_input_format_exposer<format_t> _format{};
619 };
625 friend iterator;
634template <input_stream stream_type, sequence_file_input_format file_format>
635sequence_file_input(stream_type & stream,
636 file_format const &)
638 typename sequence_file_input<>::selected_field_ids, // default field ids.
642template <input_stream stream_type, sequence_file_input_format file_format>
643sequence_file_input(stream_type && stream,
644 file_format const &)
646 typename sequence_file_input<>::selected_field_ids, // default field ids.
650template <input_stream stream_type,
651 sequence_file_input_format file_format,
652 detail::fields_specialisation selected_field_ids>
653sequence_file_input(stream_type && stream,
654 file_format const &,
655 selected_field_ids const &)
661template <input_stream stream_type,
662 sequence_file_input_format file_format,
663 detail::fields_specialisation selected_field_ids>
664sequence_file_input(stream_type & stream,
665 file_format const &,
666 selected_field_ids const &)
672} // namespace seqan3
Provides seqan3::aa27, container aliases and string literals.
Provides alphabet adaptations for standard char types.
The twenty-seven letter amino acid alphabet..
Definition: aa27.hpp:46
The 15 letter DNA alphabet, containing all IUPAC smybols minus the gap..
Definition: dna15.hpp:51
The five letter DNA alphabet of A,C,G,T and the unknown character N..
Definition: dna5.hpp:51
Quality type for traditional Sanger and modern Illumina Phred scores..
Definition: phred42.hpp:47
The generic concept for sequence file in formats.
Definition: sequence_file/input_format_concept.hpp:99
A class for reading sequence files, e.g. FASTA, FASTQ ...
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:210
void const_reference
The const_reference type is void, because files are not const-iterable.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:270
std::default_sentinel_t sentinel
The type returned by end().
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:280
sequence_file_input(std::filesystem::path filename, selected_field_ids const &fields_tag=selected_field_ids{})
Construct from filename.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:315
reference front() noexcept
Return the record we are currently at in the file.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:467
iterator begin()
Returns an iterator to current position in the file.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:414
sequence_file_input_options_type options
The options are public and its members can be set directly.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:476
typename traits_type::template sequence_container< typename traits_type::sequence_alphabet > sequence_type
The type of field::seq (std::vector <seqan3::dna5> by default).
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:248
sentinel end() noexcept
Returns a sentinel for comparison with iterator.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:439
char stream_char_type
Character type of the stream(s).
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:223
sequence_file_input(stream_type &stream, file_format const &, selected_field_ids const &) -> sequence_file_input< typename sequence_file_input<>::traits_type, selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format > >
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
sequence_file_input(stream_type &&stream, file_format const &) -> sequence_file_input< typename sequence_file_input<>::traits_type, typename sequence_file_input<>::selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format > >
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
size_t size_type
An unsigned integer type, usually std::size_t.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:272
sequence_file_input(sequence_file_input const &)=delete
Copy construction is explicitly deleted, because you can't have multiple access to the same file.
detail::in_file_iterator< sequence_file_input > iterator
The iterator type of this view (an input iterator).
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:276
typename traits_type::template id_container< typename traits_type::id_alphabet > id_type
The type of field::id (std::string by defaul).
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:250
Destructor is defaulted.
sequence_file_input & operator=(sequence_file_input &&)=default
Move assignment is defaulted.
sequence_file_input(sequence_file_input &&)=default
Move construction is defaulted.
void const_iterator
The const iterator type is void, because files are not const-iterable.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:278
sequence_file_input & operator=(sequence_file_input const &)=delete
Copy assignment is explicitly deleted, because you can't have multiple access to the same file.
sequence_file_input(stream_type &stream, file_format const &) -> sequence_file_input< typename sequence_file_input<>::traits_type, typename sequence_file_input<>::selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format > >
Deduces the sequence input file type from the stream and the format.
sequence_file_input(stream_t &&stream, file_format const &format_tag, selected_field_ids const &fields_tag=selected_field_ids{})
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:382
Default constructor is explicitly deleted, you need to give a stream or file name.
traits_type_ traits_type
A traits type that defines aliases and template for storage of the fields.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:217
selected_field_ids_ selected_field_ids
A seqan3::fields list with the fields selected for the record.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:219
sequence_file_input_options< typename traits_type::sequence_legal_alphabet > sequence_file_input_options_type
The input file options type.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:474
sequence_file_input(stream_type &&stream, file_format const &, selected_field_ids const &) -> sequence_file_input< typename sequence_file_input<>::traits_type, selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format > >
Deduces the sequence input file type from the stream, the format and the field ids.
typename traits_type::template quality_container< typename traits_type::quality_alphabet > quality_type
The type of field::qual (std::vector <seqan3::phred42> by default).
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:252
sequence_file_input(stream_t &stream, file_format const &format_tag, selected_field_ids const &fields_tag=selected_field_ids{})
Construct from an existing stream and with specified format.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:366
valid_formats_ valid_formats
A seqan3::type_list with the possible formats.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:221
sequence_record< detail::select_types_with_ids_t< field_types, field_ids, selected_field_ids >, selected_field_ids > record_type
The type of the record, a specialisation of seqan3::record; acts as a tuple of the selected field typ...
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:258
T data(T... args)
Provides seqan3::dna15, container aliases and string literals.
Provides seqan3::dna5, container aliases and string literals.
Provides the seqan3::sequence_file_format_genbank class.
Provides the seqan3::format_sam.
T get(T... args)
An enumerator for the fields used in file formats.
Definition: record.hpp:63
Provides the seqan3::detail::in_file_iterator class template.
Checks whether from can be explicitly converted to to.
A more refined container concept than seqan3::container.
The requirements a traits_type for seqan3::sequence_file_input must meet.
Refines seqan3::alphabet and adds assignability.
A concept that indicates whether a writable alphabet represents quality scores.
Provides exceptions used in the I/O module.
Stream concepts.
Provides various utility functions required only for input.
The main SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
Provides seqan3::phred42 quality scores.
Provides quality alphabet composites.
Provides seqan3::sequence_file_input_format and auxiliary classes.
Provides seqan3::sequence_record.
T size(T... args)
A class template that holds a choice of seqan3::field.
Definition: record.hpp:128
void clear() noexcept(noexcept(std::apply(expander, std::declval< record & >())))
Clears containers that provide .clear() and (re-)initialises all other elements with = {}.
Definition: record.hpp:237
A traits type that specifies input as amino acids.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:170
The default traits for seqan3::sequence_file_input.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:134
char id_alphabet
The alphabet for an identifier string is char.
Definition: sequence_file/input.hpp:151
Type that contains multiple types.
Definition: type_list.hpp:29
Provides traits for seqan3::type_list.
T visit(T... args)