SeqAn3 3.3.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2// Copyright (c) 2006-2022, Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
3// Copyright (c) 2016-2022, Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
4// This file may be used, modified and/or redistributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD-License
5// shipped with this file and also available at:
6// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15#pragma once
17#include <algorithm>
18#include <array>
19#include <cassert>
20#include <utility>
21#include <variant>
28namespace seqan3::detail
32template <typename other_t, typename... alternative_types>
33inline constexpr bool variant_general_guard =
34 (!std::same_as<other_t, alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>>)&&(
35 !std::is_base_of_v<alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>,
36 other_t>)&&(!(std::same_as<other_t, alternative_types> || ...))
37 && (!list_traits::contains<alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>, recursive_required_types_t<other_t>>);
40template <typename lhs_t, typename rhs_t, bool lhs_rhs_switched, typename... alternative_types>
41inline constexpr bool variant_comparison_guard =
42 (instantiate_if_v<
43 lazy<weakly_equality_comparable_with_trait, rhs_t, alternative_types>,
44 (std::same_as<lhs_t, alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>>)&&(
45 variant_general_guard<rhs_t, alternative_types...>)&&!(lhs_rhs_switched
46 && is_type_specialisation_of_v<rhs_t,
47 alphabet_variant>)>
48 || ...);
49} // namespace seqan3::detail
51namespace seqan3
113template <typename... alternative_types>
114 requires (detail::writable_constexpr_alphabet<alternative_types> && ...) && (std::regular<alternative_types> && ...)
115 && (sizeof...(alternative_types) >= 2)
117 public alphabet_base<alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>,
118 (static_cast<size_t>(alphabet_size<alternative_types>) + ...),
119 char>
123 using base_t = alphabet_base<alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>,
124 (static_cast<size_t>(alphabet_size<alternative_types>) + ...),
125 char>;
127 static_assert((std::is_same_v<alphabet_char_t<alternative_types>, char> && ...),
128 "The alphabet_variant is currently only tested for alphabets with char_type char. "
129 "Contact us on GitHub if you have a different use case: .");
132 friend base_t;
135 using alternatives = seqan3::type_list<alternative_types...>;
137 static_assert(((seqan3::list_traits::count<alternative_types, alternatives> == 1) && ... && true),
138 "All types in a alphabet_variant must be distinct.");
140 using typename base_t::char_type;
141 using typename base_t::rank_type;
146 using base_t::to_char;
147 using base_t::to_rank;
154 using seqan3_required_types = type_list<alternative_types...>;
160 using seqan3_recursive_required_types = list_traits::concat<
162 detail::transformation_trait_or_t<detail::recursive_required_types<alternative_types>, type_list<>>...>;
171 template <typename alternative_t>
172 static constexpr bool is_alternative() noexcept
173 {
174 return seqan3::pack_traits::contains<alternative_t, alternative_types...>;
175 }
180 constexpr alphabet_variant() noexcept = default;
181 constexpr alphabet_variant(alphabet_variant const &) noexcept = default;
182 constexpr alphabet_variant(alphabet_variant &&) noexcept = default;
183 constexpr alphabet_variant & operator=(alphabet_variant const &) noexcept = default;
184 constexpr alphabet_variant & operator=(alphabet_variant &&) noexcept = default;
185 ~alphabet_variant() noexcept = default;
195 template <typename alternative_t>
196 requires (!std::same_as<alternative_t, alphabet_variant>)
197 && (!std::is_base_of_v<alphabet_variant, alternative_t>)
198 && (!list_traits::contains<
200 detail::transformation_trait_or_t<detail::recursive_required_types<alternative_t>, type_list<>>>)
201 && (is_alternative<alternative_t>())
202 constexpr alphabet_variant(alternative_t const alternative) noexcept
203 {
204 assign_rank(rank_by_type_(alternative));
205 }
225 template <typename indirect_alternative_t>
226 requires (
227 (detail::instantiate_if_v<detail::lazy<std::is_convertible, indirect_alternative_t, alternative_types>,
228 detail::variant_general_guard<indirect_alternative_t, alternative_types...>>
229 || ...))
230 constexpr alphabet_variant(indirect_alternative_t const rhs) noexcept
231 {
232 using alternative_predicate = detail::implicitly_convertible_from<indirect_alternative_t>;
233 constexpr auto alternative_position =
234 seqan3::list_traits::find_if<alternative_predicate::template invoke, alternatives>;
236 assign_rank(rank_by_type_(alternative_t(rhs)));
237 }
255 template <typename indirect_alternative_t>
256 requires (
257 (!(detail::instantiate_if_v<detail::lazy<std::is_convertible, indirect_alternative_t, alternative_types>,
258 detail::variant_general_guard<indirect_alternative_t, alternative_types...>>
259 || ...))
260 && (detail::instantiate_if_v<detail::lazy<std::is_constructible, alternative_types, indirect_alternative_t>,
261 detail::variant_general_guard<indirect_alternative_t, alternative_types...>>
262 || ...))
263 constexpr explicit alphabet_variant(indirect_alternative_t const rhs) noexcept
264 {
265 using alternative_predicate = detail::constructible_from<indirect_alternative_t>;
266 constexpr auto alternative_position =
267 seqan3::list_traits::find_if<alternative_predicate::template invoke, alternatives>;
269 assign_rank(rank_by_type_(alternative_t(rhs)));
270 }
283 template <typename indirect_alternative_t>
284 requires (detail::variant_general_guard<indirect_alternative_t, alternative_types...>
286 constexpr alphabet_variant & operator=(indirect_alternative_t const & rhs) noexcept
287 {
288 using alternative_predicate = detail::assignable_from<indirect_alternative_t>;
289 constexpr auto alternative_position =
290 seqan3::list_traits::find_if<alternative_predicate::template invoke, alternatives>;
292 alternative_t alternative{};
293 alternative = rhs;
294 assign_rank(rank_by_type_(alternative));
295 return *this;
296 }
308 template <size_t index>
309 constexpr bool holds_alternative() const noexcept
310 {
311 static_assert(index < alphabet_size, "The alphabet_variant contains less alternatives than you are checking.");
312 return (to_rank() >= partial_sum_sizes[index]) && (to_rank() < partial_sum_sizes[index + 1]);
313 }
321 template <size_t index>
322 constexpr auto convert_to() const
323 {
324 return convert_impl<index, true>();
325 }
332 template <size_t index>
333 constexpr auto convert_unsafely_to() const noexcept
334 {
335 return convert_impl<index, false>();
336 }
347 template <typename alternative_t>
348 constexpr bool holds_alternative() const noexcept
349 requires (is_alternative<alternative_t>())
350 {
351 constexpr size_t index = seqan3::list_traits::find<alternative_t, alternatives>;
352 return holds_alternative<index>();
353 }
361 template <typename alternative_t>
362 constexpr alternative_t convert_to() const
363 requires (is_alternative<alternative_t>())
364 {
365 constexpr size_t index = seqan3::list_traits::find<alternative_t, alternatives>;
366 return convert_impl<index, true>();
367 }
374 template <typename alternative_t>
375 constexpr alternative_t convert_unsafely_to() const noexcept
376 requires (is_alternative<alternative_t>())
377 {
378 constexpr size_t index = seqan3::list_traits::find<alternative_t, alternatives>;
379 return convert_impl<index, false>();
380 }
405 template <typename alphabet_variant_t, typename indirect_alternative_type>
406 friend constexpr auto
407 operator==(alphabet_variant_t const lhs, indirect_alternative_type const rhs) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<
408 detail::variant_comparison_guard<alphabet_variant_t, indirect_alternative_type, false, alternative_types...>,
409 bool>
410 {
411 using alternative_predicate = detail::weakly_equality_comparable_with_<indirect_alternative_type>;
412 constexpr auto alternative_position =
413 seqan3::list_traits::find_if<alternative_predicate::template invoke, alternatives>;
415 return lhs.template holds_alternative<alternative_t>()
416 && (lhs.template convert_unsafely_to<alternative_t>() == rhs);
417 }
420 template <typename alphabet_variant_t, typename indirect_alternative_type>
421 friend constexpr auto
422 operator!=(alphabet_variant_t const lhs, indirect_alternative_type const rhs) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<
423 detail::variant_comparison_guard<alphabet_variant_t, indirect_alternative_type, false, alternative_types...>,
424 bool>
425 {
426 return !(lhs == rhs);
427 }
430 template <typename alphabet_variant_t, typename indirect_alternative_type, typename = void>
431 friend constexpr auto operator==(indirect_alternative_type const lhs, alphabet_variant_t const rhs) noexcept
433 detail::variant_comparison_guard<alphabet_variant_t, indirect_alternative_type, true, alternative_types...>,
434 bool>
435 {
436 return rhs == lhs;
437 }
440 template <typename alphabet_variant_t, typename indirect_alternative_type, typename = void>
441 friend constexpr auto operator!=(indirect_alternative_type const lhs, alphabet_variant_t const rhs) noexcept
443 detail::variant_comparison_guard<alphabet_variant_t, indirect_alternative_type, true, alternative_types...>,
444 bool>
445 {
446 return rhs != lhs;
447 }
454 static constexpr bool char_is_valid(char_type const chr) noexcept
455 {
456 using index_t = std::make_unsigned_t<char_type>;
457 return first_valid_char_table[static_cast<index_t>(chr)] < sizeof...(alternative_types);
458 }
467 template <size_t index, bool throws>
468 constexpr auto convert_impl() const noexcept(!throws) -> seqan3::list_traits::at<index, alternatives>
469 {
470 static_assert(index < alphabet_size, "The alphabet_variant contains less alternatives than you are checking.");
473 if constexpr (throws)
474 {
475 if (!holds_alternative<index>()) // [[unlikely]]
476 {
478 }
479 }
481 return seqan3::assign_rank_to(to_rank() - partial_sum_sizes[index], alternative_t{});
482 }
489 template <size_t index, typename alternative_t>
490 requires (is_alternative<alternative_t>())
491 static constexpr rank_type rank_by_index_(alternative_t const & alternative) noexcept
492 {
493 return partial_sum_sizes[index] + static_cast<rank_type>(seqan3::to_rank(alternative));
494 }
501 template <typename alternative_t>
502 requires (is_alternative<alternative_t>())
503 static constexpr rank_type rank_by_type_(alternative_t const & alternative) noexcept
504 {
505 constexpr size_t index = seqan3::list_traits::find<alternative_t, alternatives>;
506 return rank_by_index_<index>(alternative);
507 }
515 static constexpr char_type rank_to_char(rank_type const rank)
516 {
517 return rank_to_char_table[rank];
518 }
526 static constexpr rank_type char_to_rank(char_type const chr)
527 {
528 using index_t = std::make_unsigned_t<char_type>;
529 return char_to_rank_table[static_cast<index_t>(chr)];
530 }
532 // clang-format off
540 static constexpr std::array<rank_type, sizeof...(alternative_types) + 1> partial_sum_sizes
541 {
542 []() constexpr {
543 constexpr size_t N = sizeof...(alternative_types) + 1;
545 std::array<rank_type, N> partial_sum{0, seqan3::alphabet_size<alternative_types>...};
547 for (size_t i = 1u; i < N; ++i)
548 partial_sum[i] += partial_sum[i - 1];
550 return partial_sum;
551 }()
552 };
555 static constexpr std::array<char_type, alphabet_size> rank_to_char_table
556 {
557 []() constexpr {
558 auto assign_value_to_char = [](auto alternative, auto & value_to_char, auto & value) constexpr
559 {
560 using alternative_t = std::decay_t<decltype(alternative)>;
561 for (size_t i = 0u; i < seqan3::alphabet_size<alternative_t>; ++i, ++value)
562 value_to_char[value] = seqan3::to_char(seqan3::assign_rank_to(i, alternative));
563 };
565 size_t value{};
568 // initializer lists guarantee sequencing;
569 // the following expression behaves as:
570 // for(auto alternative: alternative_types)
571 // assign_rank_to_char(alternative, rank_to_char, value);
572 ((assign_value_to_char(alternative_types{}, value_to_char, value)), ...);
574 return value_to_char;
575 }()
576 };
581 static constexpr auto first_valid_char_table
582 {
583 []() constexpr {
584 constexpr size_t alternative_size = sizeof...(alternative_types);
585 constexpr size_t table_size = detail::size_in_values_v<char_type>;
586 using first_alphabet_t = detail::min_viable_uint_t<alternative_size>;
590 for (size_t i = 0u; i < table_size; ++i)
591 {
592 char_type chr = static_cast<char_type>(i);
594 std::array<bool, alternative_size> valid_chars{char_is_valid_for<alternative_types>(chr)...};
596 auto found_it = std::find(valid_chars.begin(), valid_chars.end(), true);
597 lookup_table[i] = found_it - valid_chars.begin();
598 }
600 return lookup_table;
601 }()
602 };
605 static constexpr std::array<rank_type, detail::size_in_values_v<char_type>> char_to_rank_table
606 {
607 []() constexpr {
608 constexpr size_t alternative_size = sizeof...(alternative_types);
609 constexpr size_t table_size = detail::size_in_values_v<char_type>;
613 for (size_t i = 0u; i < table_size; ++i)
614 {
615 char_type chr = static_cast<char_type>(i);
617 std::array<rank_type, alternative_size> ranks{rank_by_type_(assign_char_to(chr, alternative_types{}))...};
619 // if no char_is_valid_for any alternative, use the rank of the first alternative
620 char_to_rank[i] = first_valid_char_table[i] < alternative_size ? ranks[first_valid_char_table[i]] : 0;
621 }
623 return char_to_rank;
624 }()
625 };
627// clang-format on
629} // namespace seqan3
Provides seqan3::alphabet_base.
A CRTP-base that makes defining a custom alphabet easier.
Definition: alphabet_base.hpp:57
constexpr rank_type to_rank() const noexcept
Return the letter's numeric value (rank in the alphabet).
Definition: alphabet_base.hpp:137
detail::min_viable_uint_t< size - 1 > rank_type
The type of the alphabet when represented as a number (e.g. via to_rank()).
Definition: alphabet_base.hpp:80
static constexpr detail::min_viable_uint_t< size > alphabet_size
The size of the alphabet, i.e. the number of different values it can take.
Definition: alphabet_base.hpp:199
constexpr char_type to_char() const noexcept
Return the letter as a character of char_type.
Definition: alphabet_base.hpp:115
std::conditional_t< std::same_as< char, void >, char, char > char_type
The char representation; conditional needed to make semi alphabet definitions legal.
Definition: alphabet_base.hpp:72
constexpr alphabet_variant< alternative_types... > & assign_rank(rank_type const c) noexcept
Assign from a numeric value.
Definition: alphabet_base.hpp:187
A combined alphabet that can hold values of either of its alternatives..
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:120
static constexpr bool char_is_valid(char_type const chr) noexcept
Validate whether a character is valid in the combined alphabet.
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:454
static constexpr bool is_alternative() noexcept
Returns true if alternative_t is one of the given alternative types.
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:172
constexpr alternative_t convert_to() const
Convert to the specified alphabet (throws if holds_alternative() would be false).
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:362
constexpr bool holds_alternative() const noexcept
Whether the variant alphabet currently holds a value of the given alternative.
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:309
constexpr bool holds_alternative() const noexcept
Whether the variant alphabet currently holds a value of the given alternative.
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:348
constexpr alphabet_variant(indirect_alternative_t const rhs) noexcept
Constructor for arguments explicitly (but not implicitly) convertible to an alternative.
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:263
friend constexpr auto operator==(alphabet_variant_t const lhs, indirect_alternative_type const rhs) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t< detail::variant_comparison_guard< alphabet_variant_t, indirect_alternative_type, false, alternative_types... >, bool >
(In-)Equality comparison against types comparable with alternatives but not convertible to the varian...
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:407
constexpr alternative_t convert_unsafely_to() const noexcept
Convert to the specified alphabet (undefined behaviour if holds_alternative() would be false).
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:375
friend constexpr auto operator!=(alphabet_variant_t const lhs, indirect_alternative_type const rhs) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t< detail::variant_comparison_guard< alphabet_variant_t, indirect_alternative_type, false, alternative_types... >, bool >
(In-)Equality comparison against types comparable with alternatives but not convertible to the varian...
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:422
friend constexpr auto operator==(indirect_alternative_type const lhs, alphabet_variant_t const rhs) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t< detail::variant_comparison_guard< alphabet_variant_t, indirect_alternative_type, true, alternative_types... >, bool >
(In-)Equality comparison against types comparable with alternatives but not convertible to the varian...
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:431
constexpr auto convert_to() const
Convert to the specified alphabet (throws if holds_alternative() would be false).
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:322
constexpr alphabet_variant(indirect_alternative_t const rhs) noexcept
Constructor for arguments implicitly convertible to an alternative.
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:230
constexpr alphabet_variant() noexcept=default
constexpr auto convert_unsafely_to() const noexcept
Convert to the specified alphabet (undefined behaviour if holds_alternative() would be false).
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:333
friend constexpr auto operator!=(indirect_alternative_type const lhs, alphabet_variant_t const rhs) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t< detail::variant_comparison_guard< alphabet_variant_t, indirect_alternative_type, true, alternative_types... >, bool >
(In-)Equality comparison against types comparable with alternatives but not convertible to the varian...
Definition: alphabet_variant.hpp:441
T find(T... args)
constexpr auto assign_char_to
Assign a character to an alphabet object.
Definition: alphabet/concept.hpp:524
constexpr auto to_char
Return the char representation of an alphabet object.
Definition: alphabet/concept.hpp:386
constexpr auto assign_rank_to
Assign a rank to an alphabet object.
Definition: alphabet/concept.hpp:293
constexpr auto to_rank
Return the rank representation of a (semi-)alphabet object.
Definition: alphabet/concept.hpp:155
decltype(detail::concat(lists_t{}...)) concat
Join two seqan3::type_list s into one.
Definition: type_list/traits.hpp:342
constexpr bool contains
Whether a type occurs in a type list or not.
Definition: type_list/traits.hpp:252
typename decltype(detail::at< idx >(list_t{}))::type at
Return the type at given index from the type list.
Definition: type_list/traits.hpp:279
constexpr bool contains
Whether a type occurs in a pack or not.
Definition: type_pack/traits.hpp:223
Resolves to std::is_assignable_v<t>.
T is_base_of_v
Provides lazy template instantiation traits.
The main SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
SeqAn specific customisations in the standard namespace.
T partial_sum(T... args)
Type that contains multiple types.
Definition: type_list.hpp:29
Provides traits for seqan3::type_list.